you are the reason chord 關於you are the reason chord的評價, 美國在台協會 AIT 💕「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第15發:臺虎董事長黃一葦(Peter Huang) 要讓臺虎精釀 Taihu Brewing成為台灣年輕人才發光發熱與實踐夢想的平台 「儘管我有著東方面孔,但我不是台灣人... 2021-07-05 11:00:04 有 6,274 人說讚
you are the reason chord you are the reason chord World, 好久不見,我希望你們最近都平安健康。 在我們繼續摸索這個令人困惑世界的同時,我想要和你 World, 好久不見,我希望你們最近都平安健康。 在我們繼續摸索這個令人困惑世界的同時,我想要和你... 2020-08-17 22:17:05 有 213 人說讚
you are the reason chord you are the reason chord Here’s a little tidbit about myself 😬 - Humans of Chinese descent take the business of name giving very seriously... We believe that the Chinese characters that are given to a child at birth would hopefully determine their nature and personality in life. Any guesses what my Chinese name means? It means ‘Home/Family Best’ The Best of Home/Family 😬 Could this be the reason why after all these years of living in KL, I still have my umbilical chord stuck to Penang? 😂 💛 Thank you, Berjaya Sompo Insurance for this beautiful video about how much I love my hometown! #sompocares #ilovepenang #penang #travelinsurance #travel #mypenang #myhometown #penanglang #penangkia #waakalukong #laughter #laughteristhebestmedicine *Thank you @lolasia.comedy For the crazy fun Laughter Yoga session! Here’s a little tidbit about myself 😬 - Humans of ... 2019-10-04 19:16:20 有 8 人說讚
you are the reason chord you are the reason chord 【孩子的心理平安】 You can learn many things from children 【孩子的心理平安】 You can learn many things from children... 2017-12-01 03:30:26 有 0 人說讚